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    1) Aug 16, 2024 (classroom)
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    Mastering the Art of Persuasion: Unleash Your Communication Superpowers
    In today's fast-paced world, effective communication, influence, and persuasion are not just skills; they are superpowers that can open doors to endless opportunities. This dynamic course is your key to unlocking these superpowers and harnessing them with unwavering confidence.

    By attending this course, you will:

    1. Empower Your Communication: Learn the secrets of understanding yourself and others using powerful models like the Johari Window and the Enneagram. This self-awareness is the foundation of effective communication.

    2. Build Strong Relationships: Master the art of trust-building and relationship development through the Know-Like-Trust Framework. Forge connections that last a lifetime, both personally and professionally.

    3. Navigate Communication Challenges: Discover proven techniques and frameworks such as the AIDA model and the CAR model to tackle even the most complex communication situations.

    4. Become a Persuasion Pro: Explore the nine primary tactics of persuasion and how to apply them strategically in your interactions. Say what people want to hear and watch your influence soar.

    5. Confidence in Every Interaction: Leave this course with the unwavering confidence to face any communication challenge, armed with a toolkit of skills that will set you apart in your career and personal life.

    Whether you're a professional looking to advance your career, a leader striving to inspire your team, or an individual seeking personal growth, "Mastering the Art of Persuasion" is your ticket to supercharge your communication abilities. Join us on this transformative journey and unleash your communication superpowers like never before!
    Empower participants with the skills and knowledge to communicate, influence, and persuade with unwavering confidence.
    PART 1: Understanding the Foundations of Effective Communication
    1.1 Uncover Your Hidden Potential: The Johari Window Approach
    1.2 Speak Their Language: Navigating the Perceptual Spaces of Communication
    1.3 Building Trust and Relationships: The Know-Like-Trust Framework

    PART 2: Delving Deeper into Self and Others
    2.1 Unveil Your Persuasive Persona: Harnessing the Enneagram Profiling Tool
    2.2 Self and Social Awareness Mastery: Understanding Audience Perception
    2.3 Dive into Depth: Speaking Styles, Blind Spots, and Nonverbal Cues

    PART 3: Crafting Your Persuasion Arsenal
    3.1 Mastering the Art of Influence: The "How to Get Along with You" Method
    3.2 Communication Mastery: Practicing Persuasion and Influencing Skills
    3.3 Say What They Want to Hear: The Art of Persuasion through AIDA Framework

    PART 4: Confidently Mastering the Art of Influence
    4.1 The Nine Tactics of Persuasion: Your Secret Weapons
    4.2 Overcoming Communication Challenges with the CAR Model
    4.3 Choosing the Right Approach: Your Path to Success
    Who should attend
    This course is ideal for professionals, leaders, and anyone seeking to enhance their communication, influence, and persuasion skills to achieve personal and professional success.
    Engage in interactive workshops, real-world case studies, and practical exercises that empower you to apply these skills immediately in your life and career.
    Particular of Santhanaram Jayaram
    Santhanaram Jayaram has more than 28 years of experience in both the private and public sector including Financial Services - Retail and Learning and Development. Qualified for the Million Dollar Round Table in 2005, 2006 & 2007. Author of Ram up your Laughter. Appeared on National TV, Radio, Print. Current Board of Director for a Credit Co- operative with over 43,500 members (Telecoms Credit Co-operative) and Director of Security companies - Security Masters and Secure Guard.

    With his versatility, engaging presence and diverse industry experience in hosting, facilitating and relating to a diverse group ranging from the PMETs to the C-suite, such as Lee Kuan Yew's School of Public Policy’s Senior Management Program, Regional Agency Workshop QBE Insurance, Regional Symposiums Strategic Project Management: Greater Business Results in Uncertain economy, Project of the Year Award by Project Management Institute Singapore, Ram has also appeared in Print, Radio ,National TV and on Netflix.

    Besides personalising and customizing trainings to multi-national corporations, universities, and private associations, he also specialises in helping top level executives to improve their operational efficiencies; relate better thru communication skills, pioneer creativity thru design thinking skills, become better leaders thru leadership and people management, deliver greater service excellence and move up the next level thru career coaching.

    Ram’s Qualifications: 
    • Master of Business Administration (Oklahoma City University)
    • Bachelor of Science (Hons) (University of Bradford)
    • Master NLP Practicioner (American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Psychology)
    • WSQ Advance Certification in Training and Assessment (ACTA), Workforce Singapore
    • Certified in Train-the-Trainer Certification Program - Bringing Out the Best in Yourself at Work
    • Certified in IDENTI3 Level 2 Accreditation
    • Certified in Belbin Team Role Accreditation
    • Certified Practitioner and Trainer in FIRO-B® and FIRO-Business® Instruments (CPP Asia Pacific)
    • Certified Practitioner and Trainer in Enneagram Spectrum of Personality Styles

    Selected Client Organizations:
    • Daimler Financial Services
    • Marina Bay Sands
    • Resort World Sentosa
    • Starbucks
    • Singapore Airlines
    • Mcdonald’s
    • Port of Singapore Authority
    • SMRT
    • UOB Bank
    • UBS Bank
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